A dragon motif, in bright orange on a black background, is applied to a repeat grid. Mirroring and flipping of the original unit on the upper left are activated, thus creating a lovely pattern that is almost abstract.
A dragon motif is applied to a repeat grid. Mirroring and flipping of the original unit on the upper left are activated, thus creating a lovely pattern that is almost abstract. The dragon design proper embeds to repeat grids, for the dragon’s scales and spikes.

Unlock the secrets of repeat grids and patterns

Design Essentials: The art of speedy prototyping

Eva Schicker
5 min readMay 4, 2021


Integrated design flows

Repeat grids are trending as design tools for visualizing multiples of grouped elements. Based on columns and rows, the repeat grid feature takes a single design unit, usually consisting of different elements such as labels, text…



Eva Schicker

Hello. I write about UX, UI, AI, animation, tech, fiction & art through the eyes of a designer & painter. I live in NYC. Book author, UX Grad GA NYC.